YAAPA (Young African Aviation Professional Association)

Promotion of careers in the aerospace sector among young Africans


A non-profit association that promotes aviation and tourism through communication with young people across Africa. We offer a platform for exchange between professionals and young people to discuss careers and training.


Ouvrons les Portes du Ciel à Toutes les Femmes Passionnées ! En partenariat avec l’association Française AirEmploi, CampusFrance et le Collège DUVAAL Rejoignez-nous pour un webinaire inspirant et instructif sous le thème…

Girls in AVIATION DAY, November 1, 2023Read more »

Airemploi and YAAPA (Young African Aviation Professional Association) have signed a partnership agreement in order to develop the promotion of 3A professions as well as professional diversity within…

Partnership between YAAPA and AIREMPLOIRead more »

ACT FOR CHANGE is an event organized by the association under the “YAAPA ACT FOR CHANGE” program which aims to raise funds to help rural schools build…


Our association is pleased to announce a special event which is a first for the association, a webinar in partnership with the French association AirEmploi under the theme: “Discover the...

Special Webinar, on careers and opportunities in the aerospace sectorRead more »

Events to come

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