YATAP (Youth Aviation Tech Africa Program)

In a constantly evolving world, where the skies are no longer the limit but the starting point, the African Youth Aviation and Technology Program, launched by YAAPA, is a spark that seeks to ignite young people’s passions for new technologies in aviation.

About the Program 

This innovative program aims to inspire the next generation of aviation innovators by providing them with a hands-on immersion into the fascinating world of aviation and the cutting-edge technologies that are propelling this industry into the future. Designed for young technology enthusiasts, the program offers a unique educational experience that opens doors to a world of opportunities.

Program Objectives

  • Educate on New Technologies : Participants will delve into the technological advances that are transforming the aviation landscape, from artificial intelligence to biofuels to virtual reality.

  • Inspiration through Experience : Practical sessions, visits to aeronautical companies and interactive workshops will allow young people to concretely understand the applications of new technologies in the aviation sector.

  • Develop Skills : Experienced mentors will guide participants, helping them develop practical skills in designing, programming and managing aviation-related projects.

  • Encourage Innovation : The program will offer young people the opportunity to design and present their own innovative projects, thereby encouraging creativity and entrepreneurship.

The Doors of the Future Are Open

This program represents much more than just an educational opportunity. It is a gateway to a future where young people become the architects of innovation in the field of aviation. We believe this generation is ready to exceed expectations and push the boundaries of what is possible.