
Missions and objectives :

Our organization's mission is to guide and promote careers in aerospace and tourism to young people across Africa. Our objective is to offer a platform for exchange between professionals in the aerospace sector and young people to discuss careers and training.

Specific objectives :

  • Raise awareness among young people in Africa about career opportunities in aviation, tourism and exchange best practices with stakeholders in related science, technology, engineering and mathematics sectors.
  • Create a platform for exchange between aviation professionals and young Africans.

Activities and services

Educational programs:
  • Youth orientation program for careers and opportunities in aviation
  • Program to support young people towards technology on aviation and innovations
Cultural initiatives:
  • Forum on careers in aviation and the impact of young people
  • Fundraising program for the construction of schools in rural areas.

How to Join :

To become a member of our association, please complete the membership form available on our website or on our social page. Membership is open to all, without distinction of age, gender, nationality and profession.

Volunteering :

Our association warmly welcomes volunteers wishing to contribute to our causes. Whether by attending our events, helping with logistics or sharing specific skills, your help will be greatly appreciated.

Make a donation :

Your generosity helps us move forward in our efforts to improve communities. You can make a donation online via our website or by sending a check to our head office.

Subscribe to our newsletter :

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